Image Captioning Workshop 2019

- 2 mins


in National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra

With the increasing craze of Artificial Intelligence, we also got involved in spreading some knowledge about Deep Learning by conducting this 3-Days Workshop. In this Workshop, we taught the basics of Neural Networks on

Day 1


In Neural networks, we taught about the following topics :

  1. What/Why Neural Networks?
  2. Neuron: Biological Inspiration for Computation.
  3. Regression vs Classification
  4. Deep Learning Tools (Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc.)
  5. Data Augmentation, Overfitting, Mini-Batch size.
  6. Forward propagation, Backward propagation, Loss Functions, etc.
  7. Different types of Activation function.
  8. Regularization Methods
  9. Normalization &
  10. One small Project.

Neural Network Basics Python Notebook

Day 2


The whole Day 2 was focused on ​Convolutional Neural Networks. ​In starting, we introduced the basics of ​CNN followed by a small project by using MNIST dataset at the end of the day. The whole Day 2 covered the following topics :

  1. What/Why is Computer Vision?
  2. Relation between Images and Numbers
  3. Famous Computer Vision Datasets
  4. Convolution Operation
  5. Types of CNN layers
  6. Representation Learning
  7. Implementing Vanilla CNN.

Convolutional Neural Networks Python Notebook

Day 3

​This whole day was taught by my friend Abhimanyu and Ratin. It was based on the introduction of RNN, i.e.​ Recurrent Neural Network.
They covered the basics of RNN and the content of RNN related to the project.

Recurrent Neural Networks Python Notebook


After that, the final project starts :


We made the whole project in front of the students and cleared their doubts. They also completed this project with us. THE IMAGE CAPTIONING Python Notebook

The main objectives of the whole workshop are:

  1. To introduce the area of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in our college.

  2. To make they aware that how Artificial Intelligence will shape our future and how important it is.

  3. To make them aware about the job opportunities in this field.

  4. To make them familiar about the Open Source contributions and introduce git.

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